

southgate bridge

I once did a photoshoot here, and just thought it was a really cool location – perfect as an urban backdrop for portraits or graphic designs.

secret weapon

Thought it was kinda funny how this sleek classic car was poking it’s head out this little garage, lookin like it’s ready to leap into action – so I snapped a quick shot with my Olympus Trip 35.


Shot this photograph in Laguna Beach, California. It was a cool spring evening, a refreshing sea breeze tickles the palms, pastel blues and pinks streaks across the sky, reflected in the deep blue sea, and a golden glow on the…

the broad in los angeles

I took this photograph of the iconic facade of The Broad museum on a fine spring afternoon in sunny Los Angeles, with lonely clouds dotting the sky.


Basketball is my favorite sport to watch on television, because I love the creativity that high-level ballers play with. The game is about flow, moving the ball around to find the open man; or sometimes slowing down the flow and…


some people don’t realize the importance of just focusing on breathing. when you’re in a park, by the beach, or someplace away from the city, where the air is fresh, practice taking deep breaths, and forget about everything else that…


Took this photograph in Olympic National Park, up in Washington State, somewhere near ‘Hurricane Ridge’. Reminiscing on this road trip has me yearning to go for another one soon!

all i need

I shot this image for JaaeKash and Miles Minnick’s “All I Need” music video release. This version shown is my coloring edit, not the final official artwork.