Category misc

Secret Weapon, II

I love classic cars. I think they’re the perfect subject for my XA2 loaded with black and white film. This car was quite weathered, but it doesn’t even matter- if anything it adds “character” to the image.

cool views

lovely fluffy cottony clouds of shapeless shapes that may or may not resemble thisorthat if you really look closely…


“art is never finished, only abandoned.” one of my favorite quotes, and i’ve seen it attributed to many different people, though i think it holds it’s own even without a famous name attached. i took this image of an abandoned…

secret weapon

Thought it was kinda funny how this sleek classic car was poking it’s head out this little garage, lookin like it’s ready to leap into action – so I snapped a quick shot with my Olympus Trip 35.

the broad in los angeles

I took this photograph of the iconic facade of The Broad museum on a fine spring afternoon in sunny Los Angeles, with lonely clouds dotting the sky.